Who am I?

I'm not named Janey. But I am a Canuck. I have a significant other I refer to as EDP (Exclusive Dating Person.) I have a pug I refer to as Penelope, Penny, Pug, Puppers, etc. I am happiest when I'm baking, reading, or best of all reading while baking - but not reading about baking. I adore shoes. I play the piano and the drums and the violin. I use Oxford commas. I think lemon meringue pie might be my super power. I love Harry Potter but not she-who-shall-not-be-named. I have a condition, apparently, that I require two different sets of focals. I don't think it's possible to have enough chocolate or ice cream. I don't get enough vacation time to travel as much as I want to.  I really love podcasts. I spend all of August canning. I am delighted by a stone pig named Peanut that lives in my ground cover.

Who is Janey Canuck? 

Janey Canuck was the pen name for Emily Murphy.

Who is Emily Murphy? 

Just watch this Heritage Minute...  And then watch all the others. (But also, the Heritage Minute won’t tell you about Emily Murphy being pretty racist or that she supported eugenics. So you know, not the best role model.)